You are going to completely understand
You are going to completely understand
How to assess if they are in need for psychological help
When to ask for the help of each of them and why
The different scopes of practice between a psychiatrist, a psychologist and a life coach
How to have a roadmap on the first step of asking for psychological professional help and be ready to take their own pathway.
You are going to completely understand
You are going to completely understand
How to assess if they are in need for psychological help
The different scopes of practice between a psychiatrist, a psychologist and a life coach
When to ask for the help of each of them and why
How to have a roadmap on the first step of asking for psychological professional help and be ready to take their own pathway.
What we have been doing ?!
We have been changing lives for the better !!
Figure out which kind of help do you need ...
a FREE Webinar to discuss the fundamental self-knowledge to allow you to understand where you stand now and where you want to be