A New Year... A New Me

Live a life full of liveness.

Sat. 13 Jan

10 AM to 4 PM

Explore the Event Schedule 👇

(Registration) 10:00am – 10:30 am

Layal Afify

Transcendence of self-discovery

10:30 am – 11:30 pm

Nagwa Mahran

Power of Thoughts & Emotions

11:30 pm – 12:30 pm

Dr. Reham Ragab

How to Achieve Your Goals

12:30 - 01:30 PM

(Coffee break) 01:30 – 02:00 PM

Dr. Nevin Tolba

Plan With Love & Peace

02:00 - 03:00 PM

Marwa Gamaleldin

Presence & Mindfulness

03:00 - 04:00 PM

See the Details of Each Workshop

Transcendence of self-discovery

  • Know how to drive your life instead of being driven by it.
  • Learn how to change your world by changing the way you look at it.
  • Learn how to be responsible for your life and start immediately.
  • Know the difference between knowledge, awareness, and consciousness.

Power of Thoughts & Emotions

  • How to be free from your attachments that are stopping you from moving on with your life.
  • Get to know gratitude and its benefits.
  • How to practice gratitude.
  • Understand more about your energy and affirmations.
  • Get in touch with your being and feel the joy of it.

How to Achieve Your Goals

  • Know the difference between motivation and consistency.
  • Learn how to set your goals correctly.
  • Learn how to be consistent with your goals until you achieve them.
  • Learn tools to assess yourself on your journey to keep moving.

Plan With Love & Peace

  • Break free of what you are stuck in, whether emotions or life phases.
  • Break free from fear, anger, and anxiety.
  • Learn about your driving inner beliefs and how to change them.
  • Learn how to plan your life with love and peace.

Presence & Mindfulness

  • Learn how to be present in the here and now.
  • Learn how to clear your mind.
  • Learn how to stop overthinking.
  • Be able to focus on one thought at a time.
  • Learn about mindfulness meditation.
  • How mindfulness will help you be present.
  • How presence will help you achieve your goals in life.

Who Should Attend this Workshop

For those ready to break free from the chains of uncertainty and step into a life of purpose, 'A New Year... A New Me' is tailored just for you.

  • Are you feeling stuck in your life?
  • If you don’t know what is holding you back.
  • You have been trying so hard but not reaching your destination.
  • If you can’t specifically choose your destination.
  • Are you running from your fears or heading toward what you love?
  • Suffering from overthinking and distractions.
  • You want to get rid of attachments.
  • Find yourself stuck in fear, worry anger, and anxiety most of your time.
  • Are you driving your life or being driven in it?
  • If you start motivated but can’t keep up with your plans.
  • Don’t know how to plan for your goal?
  • You want to be consistent in your plans.
  • Can’t follow up on your improvement.
  • Are you aware of your driving beliefs?
  • If you can’t direct your inner world to serve you in the direction you want in life.
  • If you can’t do it alone, do it with us.

If you find yourself stuck, overwhelmed, or yearning for positive change, this event is your gateway to transformation

What will you get in this event?

First of all, you will attend the following offline workshops:

  • Transcendence of self-discovery
  • Power of Thoughts & Emotions
  • How to Achieve Your Goals
  • Plan With Love & Peace
  • Presence & Mindfulness

Book Your Spot NOW and get Exclusive Bonuses

  • Sheet Of Self-Exploration Qs for Self-Assessment and Follow-Up
  • Free Online Live Meeting After 3 Weeks to Discuss Results of Qs
  • WhatsApp Ongoing Support Group.

Late Bird After 3rd Jan:

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